Common Flowering Quince- Chaenomeles speciosa


General: A dense, broad spreading shrub with a rounded outline and many twiggy, spiny branches growing 6’ to 10’ in height and width.

Leaves: Glossy, dark green.  Alternate, simple and ovate to oblong, 1 to 3” long.

Flowers: 2” long and 5 petaled, appearing in clusters before the leaves fully emerge (April to May in NH). Come in an array of colors including red, pink, white and orange. Appear as singles or doubles.

Fruit: 2”, apple shaped and yellow green. Ripen in October. Edible, though sour tasting unless cooked into jams or jellies.

Attributes:  Quince is excellent while in flower but looks course otherwise. Often used in the shrub border, as a hedge, or as a forced stem in arrangements.


Hardiness:  Zones 4 to 8.

Growing Conditions: Prefers average, medium moisture, well drained soils in full sun to part shade. Adaptable to drought and poor soils once established.

Maintenance:  Benefits from pruning immediately after flowering for health and form.

Disease:  None serious. Occasionally, leaf spot, scale and aphids.

Our Experience

Experience at Great Hill

Quince grows in a few untidy, large masses along the outskirts of the property on Great Hill. It is truly stunning in flower and makes a great addition to an arrangement as a forced bloom. Recommended for use as a hedge or screen, but not as a specimen as it’s a single season shrub with an unattractive habit following flower.