Eastern Redcedar- Juniperus virginiana


General: A broad, pyramidal, dense evergreen with horizontal branching that grows 40-50’.

Leaves: Dark blue-green, scale like and overlapping. Fragrant. Become bronze to yellow brown in the winter.

Bark: Grayish to reddish brown, exfoliating in long strips. Heartwood is aromatic and often used for cedar chests.

Flowers:  Female trees produce round gray to blackish green berry like cones ¼” in diameter that are very ornamental. Male cones are yellow and located on branch tips.

Fruit: Spherical and blue on female trees. Mature in the fall.

Attributes:  An excellent specimen, grouping, hedging and screening plant.


Hardiness:  Zones 3-9.

Growing Conditions: Tolerates a wide range of soils and growing conditions. Prefers full sun, air circulation, and limestone soils. Drought tolerant.

Maintenance Bagworms as well as cedar apple rust if planted in the vicinity of apple trees.

Transplanting: Transplants easily.

Our Experience

Experience at Great Hill

We have several large eastern redcedar on the landscape. They are impressive native specimens with mature exfoliating bark, blue fruits, and evergreen foliage giving them year long interest. Many of the new cultivars magnify their aesthetic attributes.