Maackia amurensis- Amur Maackia


General: A small rounded tree growing 20 to 30’.

Leaves: Large, alternate and compound 8 to 12” long with 7 to 11 opposite, elliptic leaflets each 1 to 3”. Gray green to dark green.

Bark: Amber to copper in color and exfoliating with age.

Flowers: White racemes 4 to 6” long appear June to July with a smell resembling alfalfa or mown grass.

Fruit: Flat brown pods 2 to 3” long.

Attributes:  Maackia makes a perfect specimen tree for the small landscape, for parks or as a street tree.


Hardiness:  Zones 4-7

Growing Conditions: Prefers average well drained soils in full sun to part shade.

Maintenance: No serious insect or disease issues.

Transplanting: Easily transplanted due to adaptability.

Our Experience

Experience at Great Hill

Amur maackia looks a lot like a dwarf yellowwood and makes an excellent specimen tree in the northeast. On properties where it is utilized the question is always “what is that tree?!” Currently, we do not have any maackia specimens on site or in the nursery, but having had previous experience with maackia, it is highly recommended as a specimen for our region providing spectacular summer flower, interesting bark and very few, if any insect/disease issues.