Crataegus viridis- Green Hawthorn


General: A rounded, sharply thorny, spreading, dense deciduous tree growing 20-35’

Leaves: Alternate, simple and ovate to elliptic, 1 to 3” long. Medium glossy green with a purple/scarlet fall color.

Bark: Silvery gray with greenish patches. Occasionally exfoliating to reveal orange inner bark.

Flowers:  Fragrant, with 5 petals in 2” clusters May to June

Fruit: Bright red pomes ripening in September and often persisting until the winter.

Attributes:  Specimen tree for lawns and streets. Flowers, fall color, berries and bark provide interest through each season.


Hardiness:  Zones 4-7.

Growing Conditions: Dry to medium well drained soils in full sun. Tolerates drought and is pollution tolerant.

MaintenanceOne of the more disease resistant hawthorns but is susceptible to cedar hawthorn rust, fireblight, leaf spot, powdery mildew, cankers, leaf miner, borers, caterpillars, lacebugs and scale.

Transplanting: Easily transplanted due to adaptability.

Our Experience

Experience at Great Hill

We feature Crataegus viridis ‘Winter King’ in a grouping around our fountain garden. They provide a beautiful back drop for this garden with aesthetic attributes for each season. We do keep our hawthorns on a fungicidal spray regimen to keep disease in check. We’ve also had to treat for leaf miner.








Hawthorn Bloom Data

YearBud BreakFull BloomBloom Drop
2020May 23June 6June 20
2021May 20May 26June 5
2022May 16May 28June 9
2023May 18May 26June 9