Weigela florida- Weigela
General: Weigela florida is a dense, spreading and rounded flowering shrub growing 6-9’ tall and 9-12’ wide.
Leaves: Medium green, opposite and elliptic. 2-4” long.
Flowers: Perfect rosy pink funnels 1-2” long with rounded spreading lobes May- June. Flowers primarily on last years growth.
Attributes: Best used in a shrub border for grouping and massing as its habit and branching appears unsightly in the winter months. Dwarf cultivars and those with interesting leaf color variations can help with appeal and bring this shrub to a more primary placed location on the landscape
Hardiness: Zones 5-8
Growing Conditions: Prefers well draining soil and full sun. Pollution tolerant.
Maintenance: Blooms on old growth so it’s best to prune directly after flowering. Becomes big and unwieldy and requires maintenance pruning every few years.
Transplanting: Extremely adaptable and tolerates transplanting any time of the year aside from midsummer.
Our Experience
Experience at Great Hill
We use this shrub for late spring to late summer color in our mixed shrub borders and along entry ways. While requiring some pruning to maintain size, it otherwise tolerates minimal intervention and displays a heavy flower set most years. Blooms on our weigela persist into the early fall.
Weigela Bloom Data
Year | Bud Break | Full Bloom | Bloom Drop |
2021 | May 21 | June 7 | July 4 |
2022 | May 16 | June 9 | July 2 |
2023 | May 18 | June 4 | June 25 |