Cotinus coggygria- Smokebush


General: An upright, loose, spreading multistemmed deciduous flowering shrub, often wider than it is high. Grows 10-15’ in height.

Leaves: Alternate simple and oval, 1-3” long. Blue green in the summer and yellow, red and purple in the fall.

Flowers: Insignificant tiny yellow flowers make way for spent flower clusters (that are the real stars of the show). Clusters are 6-8” long hairy panicles that range in color from off white to smoky pink (or purple in purple leaved cultivars). These fluffy, hazy puffs persist from June to September.

Fruit: A small kidney shaped drupe ¼” long.

Attributes:  Best if used in a shrub border or as an accent or focal plant. Can also be used as an informal hedge or a screen. Foliage color and long-lasting blooms add to summer appeal.


Hardiness:  Zones 4 to 8.

Growing Conditions: Highly adaptable to soils and PH. Prefers well drained loam, but will tolerate dry and rocky soil. Full sun.

Maintenance No serious disease or insect issues, can develop rusts and leaf spots. Rarely requires pruning.

Transplanting: As cotinus is highly adaptable to soils, its easily transplanted preferably when not in flower.

Our Experience

Experience at Great Hill

Cotinus is an excellent three season shrub that makes a wonderful focal accent to borders and foundations. Our specimens are carefree and have been without needing maintenance since their establishment. Utilizing cultivars with both purple and green leaves help to accentuate appeal. Persistent blooms and colorful fall foliage add to the aesthetic value of the landscape.

Smokebush Bloom Data

YearBud BreakFull BloomBloom Drop
2022May 24June 14August 10
2023June 11June 28August 16