
The Great Hill Horticultural Education Foundation is located in USDA Hardiness Zone 5-6. Over time, as weather conditions have changed, the suitability of certain plants for these zones has also changed. The industry is continuously breeding new plant varieties that are theoretically compatible with and or marginal to our regions climate. The foundation experiments with these plants to determine their ability to survive in this environment, their degree of success and prosperity over time, and the appropriate horticultural care (moisture, fertilizer, disease management, pruning,  etc.) necessary for success. Through our website and other outreach opportunities, we look to educate horticulturists and professionals on our results. Our outreach efforts include, but are not limited to:

  • Hiring summer interns from local colleges, junior colleges and/ or high schools with interest in horticulture;
  • Partnering and collaborating with college or graduate school students on experiments and analysis for courses of study;
  • Hosting seminars on topics like specialized pruning, insect and disease management (integrated Pest Management), digging and lacing trees and shrubs, etc.
  • Hosting seminars on garden design

The primary goal of the Foundation is to educate horticulturists and landscape professionals about plants suitable for the region. It is our hope that the region encompassing northern Massachusetts, Southern Maine and Southern New Hampshire will be enriched by the knowledge the Foundation has gained from their research.

If you have any ideas on how we can further our outreach, reach out to us!

Interested in becoming an Intern this summer? Send us your information.

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